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How to Use Social Media to Enhance Your Business Email Lists
A Business email address list consists of a large list of Companies & Professionals (idents) names and email addresses (addresses). The email addresses are mostly public domain and available for anyone who wants to buy them. Sometimes the Companies and/or the Professionals have paid to list them but usually they are available for free. The list consists of:

Business Name. The Companies and the Professionals provide their information for many reasons, some of which are described below. The Company or the Professional may be in business because of innovation, market research or they just happen to have something that others are looking for. This makes them a great way to promote a product without having to pay for marketing costs. This list is likely to have a lot of people interested.

Business Title. To make your business email lists more effective you need to know what you are doing. An example could be if you sell a money-refund job title as a competitive keyword, then you want your email campaigns to emphasize this term. However, if you sell a generic keyword as a competitive keyword, then you do not want to use the word'referral' as the subject line or as part of your signature. This is because it is likely that many of the recipients on your business email lists do not know how to use this term in an advertising or promotional context.

Targeted. Your targeted business email lists should be comprised only of people who would be interested in the products or services that you offer. Therefore, you should only send emails to the members of your mailing list who have shown an interest in your product(s). Emails sent to members of your mailing list who have shown no interest in your products will result in your advertising or marketing strategy being wasted.

Job Title. The subject line and body of your business email lists should be relevant to the content that will appear in the emails that they open. For instance, if you are marketing products based on job titles, then you will want to change the subject line and the content to match the job titles that your potential customers may see. This means that the members of your mailing list who see a job title will most likely be those who are looking for a position related to the content that appears in your campaign.

Targeted. It is critical that the members of your targeted business email lists are relevant to the content that will appear in the emails that they open. If you target mailing lists for your automotive business, then you will want to target automotive specific emails. This means that members of these lists should also be interested in automobiles.

Social Media. While it is important that your subscribers open your emails with the specific intent of learning about your products and services, it is also important that the content contained in your business email lists be appropriate for the recipients that you intend to reach. In particular, there are many ways to improperly use social media in an email list. For example, if you are sending out updates to members of your list regarding special offers and promotions, then you should not send out the updates as part of a sales pitch. This is because the recipients may view the updates as advertisement, which is not something that you want.

Sic Sale. In many instances, you can use social media to enhance the effectiveness of your business mailing lists. One way this can be done is by ensuring that all of the contacts in your mailing database have consented to be placed on the list. The easiest way to accomplish this is to ask the person to subscribe to your mailing list through one of the methods described above. Then, if they have not indicated that they have agreed to be on the list, you can include a unique link with the email so that they can confirm that they really want to be on your business mailing lists. While the sic-solution is not foolproof, it can be an excellent way to enhance the effectiveness of your mailing list.